Cold call 1 person per weekday and you’ll have contacted 260 new people a year.
Cold DM 7 people per weekday and you’ll have contacted 1800 people a year.
Read 10 pages per day of a marketing or sales book and you’ll have read 12 full books a year.
This has been my entire “secret” for a broke, college dropout, immigrant kid like me lapping 99% of people.
Consistency is your secret weapon.
And it doesn’t need to be pretty.
Sales is one of the greatest skills to learn in the world.
Persistency is one of the greatest traits to have in the world.
You’re not going to reach your big goals in one day…
But you WILL win if you break it up into a daily schedule.
Not only will you gain an inch towards your wins more and more each day, you’ll grow better at it with every rep.
Consistent micro shifts = macro results.
Chew on that.
That’s it. That’s the email today.
Oh, and this has been 61 consecutive weeks of sending this email newsletter.
Started with one subscriber, and now it’s nearing 15,000.
Consistency beats Ability, every day.
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