I don’t know about you, but I hate meetings.
Correction: I used to hate most meetings.
Meetings are a necessary evil, but most people have never been trained to conduct them effectively.
Over the past 10 years, I have invested hundreds of hours learning, both through experience, reading and coaching, on how to dial in my meetings.
And in today’s LO Launch Letter, I share with you the four types of power meetings, with more focus on the first, most important one: the Daily Team Meeting.
By understanding how to properly prepare and execute the meetings you lead, you will gain two powerful elements found in high performance teams:
Alignment and Traction.
No more waste of time “WWE” fake wrestling in your meetings, where people just show up and go through the motions.
You get in, get grooving, and get out.
Here are the four types of meetings:
I will dive deep into the Daily Check-In Meeting for you today with more on each of the subsequent ones in the coming weeks, because my promise has always been to keep these LO Launch Letters digestable in less than a 5 minute read.
Let’s jump in:
The Daily Check-In Meeting or as my team calls it: “DTM” (Daily Team Meeting) should be scheduled daily for 30 minutes, at the same time, same place and preferrably in the morning around 9:30am (so your team has had an hour or so to get situated).
You’ll want to “warm” everybody up quickly by seeing how they’re doing (genuinly) and get some small quick talk in.
Secondly, go around and have everyone share a quick “win”, you included, and you can also use this part as a time to express specific praise (“catch people doing things right”).
From here is where you’ll dive into your team’s “Big Rocks” and “Little Rocks” which are the key performance indicators (KPIs).
Here are mine:
This will always give your team a clear idea if the required activity and results are being met and you’ll need the required person that has this data to come prepared with it (i.e. Loan Partner I and II).
You should have your own calnendar up to tally up how many appointments you have set the next 5 days (initial loan consultations, rate lock consultations, 1:1 referral partner meetings, etc.).
Hint: that number should always be 15+.
High sales activity yields high sales results…
From there, you’ll review all the action items agreed to and assigned the day before:
One of the biggest mistakes leaders make with their meetings is having no accountability designed.
You’ll notice my A+, A, B, and C task triage system, who the task is assigned to and what needs to be done.
Always remember: if it’s not written with a deadline, chances are that it won’t get done.
And as you discuss topics, you’ll need to scribe new accountability items in the DTM log and distribute it for everyone so there is zero confusion.
So in other words: bring a fresh log every day.
From there, you’ll want to understand your “choke points” or “hot loans”, which are pipeline loans that are in jeopardy of not closing on time or experiencing issues.
Depending on the extensiveness of the issues: you may need “park” the topic for after the meeting with the respective team member(s) involved so as to not create “meeting stew” and waste non-required team members' involvement.
From here, everyone talks about their day ahead and priorities.
Pre-pandemic, when my team and I all worked in the office, each team member would bring a printed calendar along and rattle off their time blocked day ahead, now we just do it quickly verbally via Zoom.
It’s important for your team to also hear your schedule so they’re clear you are leading by example and focused on lead generation and conversion activities.
When executed properly, these daily team meetings will reduce the amount of distractions and interruptions your team will experience.
It’s almost like a football team huddling up before a play.
Our Daily Team Meeting log even has our yearly and production goals listed, along with our monthly theme (i.e. “wow” service”) and team celebration point (i.e. 40 leads!).
And that’s it!
Yes, I know that was a lot and you might be feeling overwhelmed, but I promise you’ll become better at this through practice.
So in recap:
As a reward for you making it this far, feel free to reply to this email for a copy of my actual Daily Team Meeting log, and my team will send it to you!
Simply hit reply and type: “Daily Team Meeting”
See you next Saturday,
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