“A place for everything and everything in its place…”
“Less mess, less stress…”
“Out of clutter, find simplicity”
^^^ Popular phrases like those are popular for a reason.
You could be the most talented and intelligent person on the planet but if you’re all over the place…
…you’ll have a hard time finding sales velocity.
Huh? “What is sales velocity?” you might be wondering.
Well, it’s one of my favorite concepts in business and single handedly took me to $100M in yearly loan production while averaging only 40 hours a week.
I’m serious.
It’s crazy, but funding $100M in loan production is easier than funding $50M.
Let me explain:
When we start out, we usually thrive on our drive, ambition and personality.
But that only takes us so far.
Without structure, there is no efficiency.
Once we have processes to systems around everything we do, with the right people in the right seats doing the work we don’t want to do, is when we take off.
Frankly, I can elaborate more around all this in probably three action packed chapters of a book, but for the sake of time today, I am going to touch on just one area around this:
Lead Management
Obsessing over every single person that comes in contact with your business FOREVER is critical for high conversion.
How you nurture and organize each type of lead is so different, so categorizing your database correctly is an important first step.
Every lead that ever comes into our business is added to our Lead Tracker spreadsheet (and CRM) and color coded accordingly through the sales cycle as such:
White (fresh start): new lead, pending appointment
Orange (energetic): initial loan consultation appointment set
Green (go time): preapproved
Blue (serious): under contract
Yellow (caution): locked
Purple (success): funded
We review the respective month’s Lead Tracker every single morning as a team (and I did so when I was solo as well) to ensure no lead was lost.
It also serves as a quick and easy reference when updating your referral partners (which will impress them) and to understand the quality of your referral partners.
Not a year goes by when I am not wowed at the actual results during our goal setting sessions when the year-to-date Lead Tracker data actually shows who our best referral partners really are.
This then allows me to approach my business more intellectually versus emotionally.
I know exactly where to focus my efforts with full focus.
Now mix in power hour theme days where you have time blocks to contact and convert and see through the different stages your leads are in…
…and that’s when you speed up and maximize your time, which is (drumroll please):
Remember: brakes on cars allow us to go faster.
Having this data easily tracked and available will increase your conversions.
Your prospect management is your money management.
Never forget that.
Hope this impacted you today.
Oh and on Tuesday, March 19th, I will be hosting another incredible FREE masterclass on dialing in your Initial Loan Consultations that will absolutely separate you from most Loan Officers.
Go ahead and sign up for this free masterclass on the 19th, I promise you will walk away inspired.
I’ll leave you with one last phrase:
Organize, don’t agonize.
See you at that masterclass?
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