I am sure you’ve heard the traditional sales mantra from all the sales bros: “ABC: Always Be Closing!”
Well, I am here to tell you: that is tacky af.
The modern sales principles actually requires you to care about your prospects by asking thoughtful questions, which in return will set up your ask to be more natural (and easier).
The new sales mantra is: “ABO: Always Be Opening”
What does this mean you ask?
It’s about the importance of building rapport with people the right way at the initial stages of the sales process through specific affirmations, and thoughtful discovery questions, all through proper sequencing.
This is super critical for first impressions.
Let me show you an example on what not to do.
Here is a recent LinkedIn DM I received for an ambitious young Banker at good ‘ole JP Mortgage Chase:
Literally, this is the first interaction I’ve ever had with this salesperson.
Not one piece of smart engagement on any of my content.
Not one specific affirmation in the DM for my content.
Not one specific piece of value dropped to me in the DM.
Notice how many times though he typed the word “I”.
I call these salespeople the sales pirates: “I, I, Captain”.
Needless to say, I did not reply back and guess what:
He has not followed back once (no follow up DMs, no phone call, no email, etc), which is a whole other topic.
I can’t fully blame this young salesperson though, because his Sales Manager probably sucks too.
So, what should he have done besides some of the items I listed above?
NEVER close immediately.
Most salespeople show up and throw up.
They contact, then can’t wait to present and close super weak.
You my friend, however, should have learned from these previous LO Launch Letters on how to PCS (pre-call stalk) your prospect, warm up his/her social media thoughtfully, DM’d something of value without any ask and then potentially asked for a meeting.
Since the specific example today spotlighted a poor DM, here are 7 ways way to connect wisely with people in DMs:
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Hope this impacted one of you today and remember GO! Getters:
ALWAYS Be Opening
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