Now, if you DO want to hire a loan assistant to 2X your productivity and cut your work days in half…
I held a national masterclass a few weeks ago on how to do this effectively, so if you want the replay, respond “Loan Assistant” to this email.
Personally, I think it’s worth the investment if you do it right – however I understand not everyone is in a position to do it, so…
If growing your team isn’t in your budget just yet, here’s how you can optimize your time without adding more hours to your work week.
There are 6 main things you should do:
1. Identify High-ROI Tasks
Whatever your top outcome is, there are a handful of tasks that do the heavy lifting of getting you there.
For us LOs, that could be establishing a strong follow up strategy to maintain client relationships, or organizing your CRM to make sure you’re targeting leads correctly.
2. Plan In Advance
DO NOT wake up with an empty to-do list – ever. Always go to bed the night before knowing exactly what you have to do at the start of the next day.
A great morning ritual starts with a great evening ritual.
You can line up your tasks the night before or even earlier. You’ll consistently hit the ground running every morning and believe me, it makes a huge difference.
3. Optimize Your Environment
Some people focus best in a quiet room with no distractions. Others prefer a bit more activity and chaos around them.
Test out and experiment until you know what your ideal environment is, and then recreate those conditions as often as you can.
4. Split Your Day Into Blocks
I don’t care how good at multitasking you may think you are… it kills focus and something will always suffer.
Split your day into blocks and devote each block to one specific task that you focus on 100%.
For example: I split my days into administrative stuff, checking email, developing relationships, deep work, etc.
5. Sprint On Important Stuff
When you block off time for a high ROI-task, push hard until the block is over. Go full blast the entire time.
These are your main movers, so don’t half-ass them. Show up, be fully present, and take minimal breaks. If you’re not able to go at it 100%, shift your day around if you need to.
6. Take Two Kinds Of Breaks
There are work breaks – when you do simple stuff like checking email instead of the intense important stuff.
Then there are real breaks – when you do NOTHING related to work. Pick one depending on your mood and schedule.
Implement these 6 practices and I promise you will see a change in your productivity.
You could double it – maybe even triple it if you really bunker down and stay consistent.
Then you can choose to either cut back your work hours and get the same output, or work the same amount of time and maximize your output.
Both options sound pretty good, don’t they?
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